With the cooperation of TESAE group our company can provide you with one of the best business software solutions on the market: Pegasus ERP.
Pegasus ERP is the business tool for Security, Growth and Investment.
Ensures the availability and adequacy of valid information, regarding the operation of the company’s departments, but also its market.
Equips with precision, speed of response and insight, successful business moves.
Creates, Manages and monitors their efficient execution of business Operations, both locally and online, with a single Development and Use Technology.
It includes the entire experience of thousands of facilities and users and utilizes the Material-Technical and Technological infrastructure of TESAE on the Internet.
It is Free Software and is accompanied by its own Jupiter Development environment and respectively Admin for its web department.
Pegasus ERP
TESAE Pegasus ERP, in addition to supporting the processes and information interconnection of all parts of the company, also has a complete subsystem of support of the administrative decisions of a company (MIS or Management Information System) as well as a developed subsystem of support of business relations with its customers (CRM or Customer Relationship Management).