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🌟 Social Media VS Google Ads 🌟

If you are a small or medium-sized business owner wondering where to invest your advertising budget—Social Media or Google—keep reading 👇

The biggest difference lies in the TYPE of audience that will see each type of advertisement!

🔹 On Social Media, the audience isn’t necessarily looking to buy anything. They’re browsing through videos, photos, and posts from friends or topics they are interested in. Amid this casual browsing, your ADVERTISEMENT appears!

Depending on what the ad shows, the message it conveys, and the user’s state of mind at that moment, they might remember your logo, an image, a phrase, maybe laugh, maybe think they’d like something like that and move on, maybe hit follow and leave your page, maybe check out your products, see where you’re located and who you are, save a product, think about buying and reconsider, or they might even make a purchase.

I know, I know, you’re tired because you want only the last thing I mentioned, the SALE! But it’s good not to close our eyes to reality in our business. And after all, don’t you do the same when you browse your social media? Do you buy everything you see in every ad that passes by? Of course not! Why should others?

And now I see you placing all your hopes on Google Ads, so let’s see:

🔹 In Google Ads, the audience is at a different stage in the Marketing Funnel. They are more ready to buy a product or service as they are already in action! They’ve opened Google and are typing away!!

Here, the game is different. It’s about the keywords you targeted in your ad, the position it appears in the search, and how good your website is.

WHERE SHOULD I INVEST THEN? A valid question, and our answer, as with every business decision, is: “It depends on what you’re targeting!!!”

Do you want people to see you? To understand who you are and what you do well? Then you’re in Social Media Ads. Is your product or service something the audience doesn’t necessarily need and wouldn’t typically search for on Google? Again, you’re in Social Media Ads. Are you targeting a very specific (niche) audience and want more detailed targeting? Social Media Ads once more!

On the other hand, is your product or service something necessary or frequently sought after in the market? Then Google Ads is an excellent choice.

Do you want to discuss further what is best for your business, depending on your monthly budget and the industry you belong to? Book a Free 45-minute Meeting with Advanced Business Systems today and take the step towards success.

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